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For movie filter, show all related messages

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:31 pm
by Camelspyder
What I'd like to do is modify the movie filter so that it will also show any related messages (same subject text) -- for example folks often include preview .JPG or PNG files with movies, is there a way to make these show?

Thanks All

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 5:14 pm
by dexter
NewsBin does not have a mechanism where you can filter in posts based on subject text of other posts in the post list. I think that's what you are asking for. The brute force method would be to add \.jpg and \.png to your accept subject filters. If you are in a movie group anyway, there should be relatively few of those files so it shouldn't muddy things up too much.