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Filter based on size and subject?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2001 6:14 pm
by Moondawgie
Is there a filter that will work with NewsBin which will filter all attachments between 1 and 100 lines in size for which the strings "."000 or "."nfo doesn't appear in the subject line? I'm looking for something matching the following filter which I presently use with Dazzler's Agent 32:

[1,100] and not Subject: {\.000|\.nfo}

I realize that NewsBin uses file size rather than the number of lines.

Thank you.

RE: Filter based on size and subject?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2001 4:30 am
by dexter
You would enter filters in two different places. First, determine what 100 lines come out to be in terms of file size on average and enter that as the Minimum File Size in the File Size Filters. Then, use the RegEx (\.nfo|\.000) as a Subject Filter.

RE: Filter based on size and subject?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 3:26 am
by corsairius
>You would enter filters in two
>different places. First, determine
>what 100 lines come out
>to be in terms of
>file size on average and
>enter that as the Minimum
>File Size in the File
>Size Filters. Then, use
>the RegEx (\.nfo|\.000) as a
>Subject Filter.

Wait a minute, shouldn't it be (\.nfo)|(\.000)? Or is the above the correct grouping? I was never sure as to the use of the pipe character in RegExp.


RE: Filter based on size and subject?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 11:23 pm
by dexter
It works either way. The groupings mean different things in Perl because a match inside parens will be assigned to an internal variable. My way would give one variable, your way would give two. In NewsBin, it doesn't matter. Give it a try.

RE: Filter based on size and subject?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 4:15 am
by corsairius
I like your way better.
