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Retry Download does not seem to function

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:41 pm
by daguenet
Retry download does not seem to work, at least the way I thought it would. I have a post that reports on bad block on the progress bar ( on small | that is red ) and the log says the below. The properties reports all parts available, so I selected retry download and nothing happens. I have tried this on other posts and none of them do anything when retry download is selected. Shouldn't retry download download anything again even if it has been downloaded before?

[09:11:15] HIGH - ARTICLE <>

[09:11:15] HIGH - 220 0 <>
[09:11:15] ERROR - Server: SendCommand - failed to Read Response From server: Socket - Read From Server Failed
[09:11:15] ERROR - Server: SendCommand - Server Disabled Service on connection:
[09:11:15] HIGH - GROUP alt.binaries.multimedia.anime.highspeed

[09:11:15] ERROR - Server: SendCommand - failed to send command to server: Unspecified Network Error
[09:11:15] ERROR - Server: SendCommand - Server Disabled Service on connection:
[09:11:15] ERROR Download Engine - DL_DI - Failed to retrieve Article from Server
[09:11:15] HIGH - ARTICLE <>

Re: Retry Download does not seem to function

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:23 pm
by itimpi
As far as I know retry download simply makes newsbin retry to get any chunks that it has failed to get so far. It does not (I think) cause already downloaded chunks to be downloaded again.

Re: Retry Download does not seem to function

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:44 pm
by daguenet
itimpi wrote:As far as I know retry download simply makes newsbin retry to get any chunks that it has failed to get so far. It does not (I think) cause already downloaded chunks to be downloaded again.

OK so why does not the part get tried again. I have watched the logs when I do a retry download and there is nothing that looks like to tried again. The progress bar does not show anything that looks like it is trying again. And some of these files a multiple parts that failed, one was in order of 50 out of 100 failed. Nothing happened when I selected the file and choose retry download.


Re: Retry Download does not seem to function

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:59 am
by daguenet
I have tried Retry Download a few times over the weekend and have noticed some things about

1) It works on some files and not others. I will not do anything when I select Retry Download on some parts inside multipart downloads, but on others it actually tries again and works.

2) It will sometimes just download the part it already has again. I have only found this to happen to single part downloads.

By the way it there anyway to see the logs from farther back then what is in the Logging window?
