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Changed tab order not being saved

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2011 9:50 am
by theFATboy
NB v 6.0b13 - 943 / Windows 7 64 bit

In NB nb600B12 on back, if I changed the order of the tabs in the 'Subject' window they would stay that way (I usually saved the configuration at the end of a session)

In beta 13, changed tab order in 'Subject' window not being saved?

Re: Changed tab order not being saved

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2011 9:52 am
by Quade
You mean column order? The same problem in B13 that makes it not remember column widths also prevents it from remembering column positions. I'll be fixed in B14. Might want to revert to B12 if it's a problem.

Re: Changed tab order not being saved

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2011 9:54 am
by theFATboy
Thanks Quade, on the main NB 6 is terrific - FB

Re: Changed tab order not being saved

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2011 11:32 am
by theFATboy
Thanks for the 'Quick Fix' Image link not allowed for unregistered users Image link not allowed for unregistered users