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Server Change - Header Download

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:38 am
by magician1962
As far as I can tell, this can not be done, so may be a feature request.

Today I ended my Giganews account. I run it for a couple of months for catch-up, then use the free service from my ISP, repeating the cycle when needed

On Disabing the giganews servers, and activating the ISP's server, NewsBin prompty went and downloaded over 50 million headers, i.e. those since it was last on that server.

What I would like to do is have the new server start from the current day, or 'x' days past. Not only would this save downloading well over 20GB of headers, it would also save a lot of time on downloading headers i have seen before.

Is this possible ?

Re: Server Change - Header Download

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:11 am
by Quade
If you search for and delete "Range.db3"'s in the data folder. It'll reset all the groups to use "Download Age". If you're pretty current, "Download age" could be set to 1-2 to download just a couple days worth of headers. You could also add a new copy of the ISP server with a new name, then delete the old ISP server entry. The new name will make Newsbin think it's a news server and it'll also use "Download Age".

You can use windows search to find them all and delete them in one go.

A truly new server, one you've never used before, will always start with "Download Age".