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Spool Folder Question

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:47 pm
by RangerXus

Would you explain the purpose of the storage.db3 and storagedata.db3 files in each group's spool folder? I can't find a clear definition other than both should exist for each group. Is this true for custom lists also?

For example, I use custom lists and they contain both storage.db3 and storagedata.db3 files. I wanted to rename a custom list and figured the easiest way was to save all the entries in the custom list to a new custom list and delete the original. This worked but I see there is only a storage.db3 and not a storagedata.db3 file in the new custom list folder while the original custom list folder had both. I also think that the original contained posts from multiple groups and displaye the group the post came from. The new custom list seems to show all the posts coming from just one (the same) custom list.

So is there a problem now that the new custom list does not have a storagedata.db3 file. Was there a better way to rename a custom list? Should I just copy the spool files from the original custom list to the new custom list folder (I made a backup).


Re: Spool Folder Question

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 3:35 pm
by Quade
If you see both files, Storage stores a summary of the files posted but not the download information. The download information is in StorageData.

If you only see "Storage" then both the summary and download are in Storage.

The older way keep the data in different DB's. When you add a new group or delete the headers for an existing group, it'll use a combined DB.

Re: Spool Folder Question

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 10:58 pm
by RangerXus
Thanks for the explanation.
Browsing the different folder's db3 file I see now that you moved the filedata table from storagedata to storage.
Is there a performance improvement such that I should redownload my headers (don't really want to do that as I keep all headers).

Re: Spool Folder Question

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 1:46 am
by Quade
It's probably not enough of an improvement to require re-downloading headers. I mainly made the change because attached files in Sqlite will use the temp folder more during transactions. By making it a single DB this is reduced. Single DB's are easier to manage too.