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Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:55 pm
by magician1962
Thought i would give the Beata whirl, much so far i like , well except the grey background, hopefully it can be changed somewhere :)

Setup in case any is relevant
Win 7 64bit
i7 920 processor
12GB ram
20Mb connection


In 5.59 i could drop an NZB file on Newsbin and it would be added to the download. That still works.

The issue I am finding is that if i look on for example and select some files . I then "Create NZB". The popup dialogue would give the option of saving or opening. In 5.59 I would open and it got added to the download. In 6.0b nothing appears to happen.

It may be the way it works has changed and I have not discovered it yet. It maybe it is elsewhere. But it looks like something is amis

Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:47 pm
by billynews
the name of the executable has changed - so maybe you just have to tell your Browser there's a new application for NZB-Files.
I had to :wink:

Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:37 pm
by magician1962
Not sure what you mean.

Windows file association appears correct, as evident by clicking a nzb file on the desktop, which adds to the download list.

Using IE8 and as far as I know/knew the file associations were controled in the same way as explorer.

Advice appreciated

Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:53 pm
by Quade
It seems to be broken. Dex looked into it and something about the NZB's IE8 saves on the cache folder prevents Newsbin 6 from loading them. I was going to look at it at some point.

Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:09 pm
by magician1962
Many thanks for the response, I will patinetntly wait for the next release. At least knowing the issue, a workaround can be implimented.

Have to say, the first use was a culture shock, but I am really liking it, probably even more when finalised.

The collapsed download list feels odd, (and I enquired about having such! ) I think its because the list looks so empty now :)

Only one thing bugs me, and its not really a program bug.
In the 'Failed Download' List we get blue circles with white ticks, just seems as though they should be red circles with white crosses :)

Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:40 pm
by Quade
Code: Select all
In the 'Failed Download' List we get blue circles with white ticks, just seems as though they should be red circles with white crosse


Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:37 am
by richy99
its an odd one this as it fails with ie8 but work fine in firefox and also ie9beta

i was doing quite a bit of testing on this yesterday

Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:46 am
by Quade
Looks like IE8 does something to protect the cache files.

Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:11 am
by magician1962
Just a reminder, it did work in 5.59

So, indicates to me as a novice

a/ 6.0 Handles it differently


b/ The installer missed something

Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:23 am
by D-an-W
I have the same issue too, first I thought it was because I installed v6 in Parallels (Been using pre v6 for years now). While this is looked at I have been trying to get Safari to pass the NZB over from OS X 10.6.6 but that isn't as simple as it might be either :roll:

Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:59 am
by Quade
- Appreciate the report.

- It's on my todo list.

Not sure what more you expect from me at this point.

Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:05 pm
by magician1962
At the moment all we can do is wait. But here is another clue

With Newsbin shutdown

If i try creating an NZB at binsearch, then select open for the file, Newsbin starts.

Until now I had assumed nothing was happening, but in those cases Newsbin window was already open.

Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:09 pm
by richy99
we know loading them from ie8 doesnt work, i tested this a shit load using ie8 and firefox and ie9beta to see if i could pinpoint it, its a case of waiting now for the big man to find out why ie8 isnt working correctly with 6 but other browsers are, he is aware of the issueso lets just let him work on it yeah?

Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:30 pm
by Quade
Perhaps I'm not getting the urgency. Why not save the NZB to the NZB autoload folder? Then the running newsbin will pick up and use the NZB. Or save it someplace and THEN open it.

It's not like you're dead in the water, there are plenty of ways to work around this issue.

Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:24 am
by D-an-W
There is no urgency on my part at all, apologies if you thought I was demanding a fix Quade. I have now simply reverted back to v5.

@richy99 surely it is v6 not working correctly with IE8 not the other way round as v5 is fine with it?

Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:43 am
by magician1962
Same here, no urgency, just providing possible clues to hopefully save time investigating

Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:03 am
by Quade
Haha maybe I'm being pissy. I did want you to know about how to work around this though.

Re: Loading NZB's 6.0b1 743

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:25 pm
by magician1962
Hey no worries, after 30 years with computers, i still don't stress over them, as in the end I win ( I have a very big hammer) :D

Actually been using the workaround from the first instance, as mentioned in my first post :)

"drop an NZB file on Newsbin and it would be added to the download. That still works."

Is there anything us users can do to help identfy more clues?