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Auto Mode not downloading incomplete, but repairable sets

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:08 pm
by Calahan

every now and then, there are sets posted in a group for which I set up "Auto mode" downloading when new headers were downloaded.
I reported before, that the download doesn't start when the first files of a set are posted and that it is a problem, when the files are deleted from the servers fast.
So sometimes I don't get postings because the download didn't start early enough.

Now I have the problem, that files are posted in a set and one or more files are missing or incomplete, but there were enough par2 files posted, so the set would be repairable without problems. But the missing or incomplete files never arrive or when they arrive or I see that a set wasn't downloaded, it's too late, because the files were deleted from the servers before.

So it seems you have your reasons to wait until a posting is complete, but couldn't you at least check, if enough par2 blocks were posted to repair a set and if that's the case, start downloading?

Thanks for considering.

All the best,

Re: Auto Mode not downloading incomplete, but repairable set

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 3:54 pm
by Quade
Yeah, it doesn't. It's on purpose to prevent partial downloads from cluttering the download list.

I'm not sure there's a good solution. I'll have to think about it.

Re: Auto Mode not downloading incomplete, but repairable set

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 6:36 pm
by lvoin
Actually, the "Autopar" is not smart enough to see files downloaded at 70-90% and to assemble them, then with the already *.par2 files, sometimes more than enough, to do a fast repair. It will be wise to make "Autopar" by itself (As stand-alone application like Quickpar) as is was when you took it over from the original developer and we will be happy to do some manual runs on the already downloaded files! Thanks for reading,

Re: Auto Mode not downloading incomplete, but repairable set

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 6:39 pm
by Calahan
Quade wrote:Yeah, it doesn't. It's on purpose to prevent partial downloads from cluttering the download list.
Maybe you could make it an option, so it would be selectable. Standard could be, only complete sets would be downloaded.
If someone wants to download all files as fast as the headers come in, then they have to delete incomplete sets, manually from the download list, from time to time.

Or you leave it as it is now, but count the blocks which were posted and start the download, when you see the set is at least repairable.