AVI po1 filter

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AVI po1 filter

Postby Mrobson13 » Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:39 pm

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AVI po1 filter

Image link not allowed for unregistered users How can I set up a filter to cut out avi's with 001 or po1 or any number after the .avi, but be able to download the normal .avi files?
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Re: AVI po1 filter

Postby Quade » Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:19 pm

You know that "AVI.001..." files can be assembled into full AVI's right?

Subject Reject Filter:


Should do what you want.

It means "something that starts with a dot, followed by AVI, followed by a dot and a number with 2-4 digits". Don't enter the quotes.
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