Experiment: Do they have their act together yet?

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Experiment: Do they have their act together yet?

Postby mjpierce » Thu Dec 31, 2020 10:10 pm

My limited experiment was this...

For the group "a.b.mom"
Erased the data directory on the spool_v6 using "Post Storage" -> "Delete Stored Posts"
Set to download 1 day of headers to empty group
Competitor A reports 7.5 million new headers
Competitor B reports 12 million new headers
NewsDemon reports 223 thousand new headers

My conclusion: No. Even after a month, NewsDemon is not usable as a primary provider.
Too bad too. They have been reliable with good customer service (for me anyways) for years.
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Re: Experiment: Do they have their act together yet?

Postby zork » Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:17 pm

It seems to me that they have the articles but they don't have headers. I unsubscribed from one ebook group, quite newsbin, started again, subscribed to group and downloaded headers and they just don't have all what should be there. If I get some nzb from elsewhere and download something for which I don't see headers in the group then I can download it. They are still in some kind of crap state .
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Re: Experiment: Do they have their act together yet?

Postby zork » Fri Apr 09, 2021 10:34 am

Two months forward and situation is still same. And headers for one post are missing in another group even when it is crossposted to two groups. That means post shows up in one group but not in other. What is weird is that if nzb is Ok then I can download file described in that nzb while even when Newsbin shows that this post is incomplete and I can't download it separately. Support from Newsdemon has not been very useful in this case. They just recommend using last version of Newsbin and unsubscribe/delete files/subscribe action which I have made multiple times. Which in their case is also bad because they still haven't fixed their problem where they account headers in user quota. I have downloaded about 1GB from their servers and headers are already 22GB. I really must start searching for another news server with block acocounts.
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Re: Experiment: Do they have their act together yet?

Postby dexter » Sat Apr 10, 2021 3:58 pm

Found a long thread about this on reddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comment ... verything/

NewsDemon rep is in the thread, I didn't read the entire thing but might shed some light.
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Re: Experiment: Do they have their act together yet?

Postby zork » Sat Apr 10, 2021 4:31 pm

Nice, I am not avid reddit user and did not find it when searched some info. Thanks
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