NewsDemon customer service unresponsive

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NewsDemon customer service unresponsive

Postby etete » Tue Nov 14, 2017 12:34 pm

Anyone know the secret to contacting and getting a reply from this company? I have e-mailed them 3 times over the past 45 days and received not one reply. I also provided them with multiple (4, incl public and private) e-mail addresses even though I have full control over spam/junk filtering of my own domain ensuring I miss no correspondence. I've also telephoned them only to receive the standard "We're busy with other customers -- Please leave a detailed message and we'll get back to you".

My concern is the fact they've been double billing me ever since I joined their service in September. At this point I'm prepared to elevate it to PayPal Customer Care. As their core service is excellent it really is a shame the current customer service side is so lacking.
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