Mouse key disabled with NB Pro running as admin?

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Mouse key disabled with NB Pro running as admin?

Postby Wildfire » Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:49 am

Yesterday I switched to running NewsBin Pro (v6.30B3) as administrator, as that enabled the high speed file creation mode. I have, however, discovered that when running as administrator one thing doesn't work anymore: pressing the thumb-button on my mouse, which is configured through Logitech Setpoint to act as the ENTER-key, doesn't send the selected files to the download queue anymore. Pressing ENTER on the keyboard works just fine.

When I run NewsBin Pro as a normal user, without elevated priviliges, then it works like I'm used to.

Does anyone know what's the cause of this? Is it a Logitech Setpoint issue or NewsBin Pro issue?
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Re: Mouse key disabled with NB Pro running as admin?

Postby DThor » Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:07 am

It's essentially expected behaviour, categorically not a newsbin or Logitech error of any kind. There are at least two users on any given install:administrator and one user. Just like if you had multiple users on the system each with their own preferences set, you should expect to see different settings as admin as opposed to an end user.

It's your computer, but running as admin on a regular basis is a Really Bad Idea.

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Re: Mouse key disabled with NB Pro running as admin?

Postby Quade » Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:56 am

He's right in that it's the only way to get high speed fileIO mode. As a security measure, Microsoft zero's out every file before Newsbin can write data to it. High speed mode disables this zero fill so, large files can be created instantly.

How are you running it as "Administrator" by using right click "Run as Administrator" or actually logging in as Administrator? The first is safer and I'd think would bring your user settings forward.
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Re: Mouse key disabled with NB Pro running as admin?

Postby DThor » Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:42 am

I'm pretty sure it doesn't bring your settings forward, likely for security reasons. When the Newsbin installer had a problem a year or so ago dropping down to user space on the first run, I recall imitating it by doing exactly that(I had the same symptoms wrt the mouse). Still, worth a shot, anything is better than running an admin session.

Be aware that any mistake you make with newsbin, even using the above method, such as inadvertently downloading an bad exe and running it, you're toast. At least UAC gives you a layer of security. Like I said, it's your computer - not trying to be your mother.

I'd be interested if you find any tangible savings. With all the eyes on Windows out there, I'd be not at all shocked if MS adapted a braindead 'security' technique like this, but I *would* be shocked and surprised if it had any serious impact without people screaming bloody murder about it. I can't find anything like that on the net.

V6 Troubleshooting FAQ . V6 docs. Usenet info at Usenet Tools. Thanks!
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