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Header compression and Headers newer than XXXXdate

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:02 am
by dr_dx
Sorry if these have been answered else where. I have been using 6.55 until recently with my news provider (frugalusenet) and header compression was working OK. Now that I am using 6.72 there seems to be no header compression (before I could DL 50K headers per chunk - now I get 10K. It's 5 times slower. I have looked everywhere and can't seem to find the option to enable it on this ver.

Also can we get the ability to DL headers newer than xx/xx/xxxx date? It seems that the only options are all or the last 10 million without having to change your days of retention.


Re: Header compression and Headers newer than XXXXdate

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:15 pm
by Quade
There was a change in how the speed is reported for compressed header downloads. It used to report the uncompressed size speed and not reports the raw speed. So, even when it's working you won't see the high speeds you saw before. Look in the advanced options for the server and see if XFeatures is enabled or not. It shouldn't be checked to support header compression.