Local search much slower in 6.01B6

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Local search much slower in 6.01B6

Postby brentdog » Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:46 pm

Upgraded from 6.00 (build 1019) to 6.01B6. Local search was much slower by about a factor of 10. I didn't notice anything in the change history that might indicate why. I really liked the speed of local search in 6.00 over 5.59. This seems like a bit of a step back. I know loading the groups would be faster but my system is memory constrained so I like to just use local search.

I went back to 6.00 for now.

Is this slowdown expected? A bug? Just me?

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Re: Local search much slower in 6.01B6

Postby Quade » Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:08 am

As far as I know there's no reason for it to be slower. I'll check it out.
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Re: Local search much slower in 6.01B6

Postby Quade » Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:03 am

I was doing some searches in a large set of groups. Perhaps 40 GB in size and after the initial search, it seems pretty damn fast. Is it possible you're not searching inside specific groups but, you were before? It's possible my machine is just too fast too so, there's a change that doesn't impact me much but, hits you harder.
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Re: Local search much slower in 6.01B6

Postby brentdog » Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:39 pm

I was pretty sure I was doing the exact same search, but I verified this morning and actually got some informal timings. I'm doing the search in a very large GoG. I ran the search 5 times in succession to assure the Windows file cache was fully primed and timed the 5th run. I took the timings in 6.00 first, then in 6.01B6, and then just for grins went back to 6.00. Here are the results:

6.00 - 4 seconds
6.01B6 - 57 seconds
6.00 - 4 seconds

My machine is pretty whimpy by modern standards (2.4GHz Core 2 Duo, only 3G RAM), but it seems like something must have changed in 6.01B6 to cause such a dramatic change in search performance with all other things being equal. I forgot to mention I am using Windows 7 x64 and using the 64-bit versions of Newsbin (although I can't imagine that makes any difference).

On a hunch I suspected maybe the problem with 6.01B6 is that it is always searching all groups regardless of which GoG is actually being filtered on. So I ran with some smaller GoGs selected and they ran much quicker which seems to indicate this is not the problem.

Thanks for looking into this Quade. I guess since you can't recreate it and no one else seems to be having the same problem, it must be some quirk of my system. It's a good excuse for me to get a new system! :D
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Re: Local search much slower in 6.01B6

Postby Quade » Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:28 pm

Pretty sure I know what the problem is now. Your really quick timing has brought it to light.

Likely the "Age" dropdown isn't being applied when the search is happening so, it might only display N days worth of posts but, it's actually loaded up the full 1000 days. The way I verified this was to do a 2 day search, which should have been fast, then I changed the age dropdown to "None" and saw 800 days worth of results.

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Re: Local search much slower in 6.01B6

Postby Quade » Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:09 pm

Fixed it.
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