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Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:25 pm
by Sandman
Had a file yesterday stall and wouldn't download. When I expanded the view, Newsbin had paused all of the rar files but wasn't showing anything paused in the compact view.

Downloading something today and the timer says over an hour to complete and some change. Just checked the download again and it is 3/4 done but the timer is still showing over an hour to complete which is definitely incorrect since I only have a few more GB's, a little over 2GB, to go on a maxed out 24Mbps connection.

Edit: Just noticed too that the download is reporting 15+GB total to download but the "size of download list" is showing 13.55GB.

Edit: Ok I didn't have the latest beta so I updated it and I will watch for the same behavior...

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:03 am
by Sandman
Beta 5 build 849

Downloads still paused for some reason. I have to manually expand the view for the file and select all and resume.

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:17 am
by dexter
Try Beta 6 build 870. I posted it yesterday.

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:32 pm
by Quade
Does the par download? The par download is what triggers the "Unpause" of the rest of the files.

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:48 pm
by Sandman
This particular instance, everything was paused. Also when I closed out Newsbin and re-opened it, it started downloading the files but wouldn't complete any of them. It would either stall on with all the parts downloaded for a single rar or it would stall on the last part of a rar file. Closed Newsbin out again and re-opened, but this time Newsbin acted like it hadn't downloaded anything and started downloading the whole file again like new. Then a few minutes later, it stopped again and cleared out the download window, despite showing none of files were completed according to the download tab. I checked the files tab and it showed that it downloaded and extracted the file. Anyway weird behavior...

*Installed the latest beta

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:37 am
by Sandman
Almost every file I try to download, b6 build 870, the downloads stall. In the connection tab, it shows all of my connections as connected. When it does download, all of my connections are not utilized and the ones that aren't show as "mode reader" for "last command" and "none" for "last response". It especially stalls right before the end of the complete download, so if I have a part or two left, it just quits right there. It likes to stall on small files too like nfo and sfv files. They sometimes won't even download without closing Newsbin down and then restarting it. Nothing works such as "retry download" nor "resume download". Those commands have no effect whatsoever. It is really, really, really frustrating but I know it is a beta and you guys need to know what is going on to fix the bugs. Couple more things: I had a couple downloads get instantly put into the "failed" area for some reason and when I added them to the downloads they downloaded until the end and then stalled. So far all of my downloads were initiated through a nzb file.

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:48 am
by Quade
I've not answered because I don't have an answer. I don't really believe this a beta issue. Sounds more like your connections to the server are barely working. If it is a beta issue, I think it's more likely to be "beta doesn't get along with virus scanner".

Why be frustrated though? I'd re-install 5.59 and see how that works for you. In testing, I download perhaps 20 gigs yesterday, no fuss, no muss. The IRC testers aren't having this problem either. I really think the problem is virus scanner related. If you look at the people who had problems with B5. At least one has now reported his virus scanner was preventing the writing of the downloaded file and that disabling a specific mode, fixed it.

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:55 am
by Sandman
An example what I am talking about:



Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:04 am
by richy99
could be an astraweb issue

see if it happens in 5.59

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:24 am
by Sandman
Never had any problems like this in version 5 before I upgraded to beta

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:30 am
by Quade
I'm not seeing any hint of PAR Files in that picture. Without pars, it'll just wait there for you to do something like manually unrar.

In fact, I can see there are no par files in that set. So, what you're showing is normal for not having any par files. What happens when you do a set that has pars in it?

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:42 am
by Sandman
I get the same behavior even if there are pars. Also what does having to do with downloading all parts of a single rar? Everyone one was stalled and just sat there doing nothing even though Newsbin showed that they weren't completely downloaded. That particular file though, I checked it in Explorer and the rars were completely intact and was able to extract the file from the rars with no errors or problems so obviously it downloaded in full and Newsbin was showing an erroneous figure.

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 2:40 pm
by Quade
There's nothing stalled. It downloaded all the rars, can't check it without a par so, it's waiting for human input. You can delete the entry and unrar from the files list, or unrar right there using the right click menu. There's no autopar tab so, things spend more time in the download list. When Newsbin's done with the set of files and doesn't know how to take them any farther, they sit there waiting for you to do something.

Basically, I'm not seeing anything wrong.

Next time you do one with some PARS, and it stops downloading, right click the parent, select properties and see what the PAR state is.

This is what I see from your pictures. If you look in the folder on disk, are you saying the files aren't sitting there?

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:06 pm
by Sandman
So now I have to manually remove the files from the download list if there are no PARs included with those files? I have had some downloads where the pars were separate from the main file. I never had to clear out anything in v5, it would just clear the list and I would have to manually unrar the files sometimes in the folder or the pars would associate themselves with the correct file and Newsbin would do it . Lastly if it was waiting on some sort of PAR file like you said, why did it try to download a duplicate when I exited and restarted Newsbin in an attempt to try to have Newsbin clear out the download naturally?

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:29 pm
by Quade
Download something with combined pars and if it doesn't unrar, get back to me. We could try to trouble-shoot it.

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:10 pm
by blanketparty
I'm having a similar issue. This is very similar to the same problem I had in B5, only now I haven't been able to download anything.

I load the par it sets up the download and all looks normal until it hits 100%. it then just stalls and does nothing. I checked the folders and there is nothing saved. I have my newsbin download folder excluded from my anti-virus scanner.

After a while, my download speed just drops to 0 and doesn't even continue downloading. This has happened since B6. I have it installed on 2 machines and it exhibits the behaviour on both.

Is there a way to download an older beta? I'm curious to see if it was an update to Newsbin, or something else that caused the change.

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:13 pm
by blanketparty
Ok, just noticed something odd. it downloaded all of the pars for each, just not the multi-part rar files.

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:41 pm
by mho
blanketparty wrote:Ok, just noticed something odd. it downloaded all of the pars for each, just not the multi-part rar files.

That seems to happen for me with stuff that's already been downloaded. I think the duplicate checker is a bit confused; the files are rejected, but it still downloads all the pars...

- mho

Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:05 am
by Quade
I just think I'm going to have to add the ability to turn off the new memory mode. Basically those of you with problems can disable it and the rest can use it.
    Works great for me and the IRC boys, not so much for some of you.

    There won't be a files on disk for incompletes, you have to manually assemble to flush the data out to disk for now.

    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 2:16 am
    by blanketparty
    So, it looks like my problem *may* be fixed. No idea which of these may have fixed the problem.

    I un-installed 6 and deleted all folders and files associated. Installed 5.59 and loaded all my downloads. Downloaded a couple of files and decided to try 6 again. Upgraded 5.59 to v6b6 and now the files seems to be saving. I've only been running it a few minutes, but I'll leave it running overnight and see what happens.

    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:36 am
    by DThor
    Definitely report back if that makes the problem gone gone gone, because what you did doesn't strike me as being related to whatever is going on for some users. Would be useful information. I'm wondering if the reinstall sets up a correct setting with antivirus /firewall.


    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:08 am
    by blanketparty
    It didn't strike me as anything that could have fixed the issue but it seems to have.

    Left it running all night. All the files it downloaded seem to be fine.

    I hadn't been uninstalling previous betas before upgrading to the new one. Maybe that's it.

    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:51 am
    by blanketparty
    Ok. Not 100%. 3 out of 8 downloaded had chunks missing.

    Re-added them. There seems to be some small problems with duplicate checking, but is working better.

    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:52 pm
    by DThor
    FWIW, I've maybe done 8 actual uninstalls of Newsbin over the numerous years I've run it. I constantly install over top, certainly for V6 that's all I've done, apart from a new system installation. I'm doubting the uninstall is related, but who knows, perhaps it is. For some AV/firewall setups, maybe an uninstall gives the right thing a kick?


    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:00 pm
    by blanketparty
    Microsoft Security Essentials, Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit, built in firewall. Same as some of the people having no issue. It's even a clean install.

    No idea, but it's been running all morning with no major issues.

    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:17 pm
    by Sandman
    I think I might try a clean install of b6 build 870 and see if I have any luck. So far I have upgraded from v5 to v6 and then installing on top of each previous beta.


    Ok did a fresh install of b6 870 and tested it on a 1.5GB file. Got the same behavior as in the picks, it would be 1 or 2 parts short per rar. The par2 showed 34/44 KB while the whole file was being downloaded. Once it got to the last file, the status went from purple to green and said extracting 75MB, where it got that figure is beyond me. Once it went through the "green" process, it cleaned up and deleted the unneeded files. To me it looks like there is something erroneous from what it displays as to what you need and what it actually downloads.

    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 2:39 pm
    by itimpi
    Sandman wrote:Ok did a fresh install of b6 870 and tested it on a 1.5GB file. Got the same behavior as in the picks, it would be 1 or 2 parts short per rar. The par2 showed 34/44 KB while the whole file was being downloaded. Once it got to the last file, the status went from purple to green and said extracting 75MB, where it got that figure is beyond me. Once it went through the "green" process, it cleaned up and deleted the unneeded files. To me it looks like there is something erroneous from what it displays as to what you need and what it actually downloads.

    If there are pars included then it tends to not get to 100% as the size shown includes all the queued files including the par2 files and they are not downloaded unless required. However I agree that if NB knows that no par2 files are going to be needed it would be friendlier if the progress bar was then set to 100% and the size adjusted to match the actual files downloaded.

    The "green" state indicates the file is decoding which is what you would expect if NB thinks it has everything required. As to the size displayed during that phase I have never been certain what it actually represents. I suspect it is something odd like the size of the par2 files, whereas the total size of the files being decoded would make far more sense. I guess it is really cosmetic as at that point everything required is already downloaded, but sometimes getting the esthetics right can improve the user experience.

    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:52 pm
    by Quade
    As to the size displayed during that phase I have never been certain what it actually represents.

    It represents....a bug I haven't figured out how to fix yet. Files are listed by size but unrar and repair by percentage. Transitioning between displaying the two on the same line is problematic.

    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:55 pm
    by Quade
    Ok did a fresh install of b6 870 and tested it on a 1.5GB file. Got the same behavior as in the picks, it would be 1 or 2 parts short per rar. The par2 showed 34/44 KB while the whole file was being downloaded. Once it got to the last file, the status went from purple to green and said extracting 75MB, where it got that figure is beyond me. Once it went through the "green" process, it cleaned up and deleted the unneeded files. To me it looks like there is something erroneous from what it displays as to what you need and what it actually downloads.

    So, what you're saying is that the rars download, it unrars and is working just fine.

    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:26 pm
    by Sandman
    Quade wrote:
    Ok did a fresh install of b6 870 and tested it on a 1.5GB file. Got the same behavior as in the pics, it would be 1 or 2 parts short per rar. The par2 showed 34/44 KB while the whole file was being downloaded. Once it got to the last file, the status went from purple to green and said extracting 75MB, where it got that figure is beyond me. Once it went through the "green" process, it cleaned up and deleted the unneeded files. To me it looks like there is something erroneous from what it displays as to what you need and what it actually downloads.

    So, what you're saying is that the rars download, it unrars and is working just fine.

    For that particular download, yes it did. But like I said, it shows some erroneous information in the download tab. I am sure it looks normal to you being the programmer, but as an user it is really convoluted. I mean look at the pics I posted, everything shows 48,828/50,838 and not completed.

    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:54 pm
    by richy99
    Sandman wrote:
    Quade wrote:
    Ok did a fresh install of b6 870 and tested it on a 1.5GB file. Got the same behavior as in the pics, it would be 1 or 2 parts short per rar. The par2 showed 34/44 KB while the whole file was being downloaded. Once it got to the last file, the status went from purple to green and said extracting 75MB, where it got that figure is beyond me. Once it went through the "green" process, it cleaned up and deleted the unneeded files. To me it looks like there is something erroneous from what it displays as to what you need and what it actually downloads.

    So, what you're saying is that the rars download, it unrars and is working just fine.

    For that particular download, yes it did. But like I said, it shows some erroneous information in the download tab. I am sure it looks normal to you being the programmer, but as an user it is really convoluted. I mean look at the pics I posted, everything shows 48,828/50,838 and not completed.

    as quade has said in other threads thats a guess at the size, personally i think you are looking too hard and deep at things

    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:58 pm
    by Sandman
    richy99 wrote:

    as quade has said in other threads thats a guess at the size, personally i think you are looking too hard and deep at things

    If you say so, I still think it is convoluted and I think it might cause more confusion than anything. v5 didn't seem to have an issue like that so why now?

    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:24 pm
    by Quade
    Haha, well, V5 doesn't have that issue because it works nothing like V6. It did exactly the same thing, you just didn't see it because the download list in V5 was neither compact nor persistent. It never hit 100% because there's no way to know exactly what 100% is. I faked it in the next beta. When the file downloads, it just claims the estimate = the size so, people who would normally get confused will see the same number.

    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 5:16 pm
    by Camelspyder
    I think part of the speed problem was with Astraweb. I've been having problems with them for the past two months. I'm in the US, and actually have to use the European servers to get decent performance -- along with cranking up the number of connections to ~14.

    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:51 pm
    by Sandman
    On beta 7
    Still getting the same issues with Newsbin doing nothing even though pars are present. Got it to finally do something by moving the pars to the top of the download list. Also in the "size of data waiting to download" part of the window, it reports an erroneous number. For example, mine is saying there is over 8000 TB of data in my list!

    I am giving up. I don't mind helping you guys work through the bugs but it appears to me that it is easier to somehow blame my PC than to figure out what is wrong with your beta.

    Re: Timer not right and Download stalled

    PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:25 pm
    by Quade
    Giving up is fine. You're not keeping up with the betas though. We're up to B9 now. I've changed the way assembly works with every beta trying to home in on the perfect balance.

    The beta's move forward, it's up to you to keep up. 5.59 is always there for when you decide to give up though.