Is Andeoid version dead?

Discussion related to the development of a native Android version of Newsbin.

Is Andeoid version dead?

Postby drumtrucker » Fri Sep 29, 2017 3:38 pm

as a truck driver with no home and the Limited Unlimited data plan on Verizon... I could really use an Android version as the phone only gets deprioritized
whereas the hotspot feature gets choked to 600K which they call 3g. I had a 3g device for 10 years that got 1.2Mps WTF?
6.50B13: 00 43 27 D5 8D D0
Win 7 HP 64 bit
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Re: Is Andeoid version dead?

Postby Quade » Sat Sep 30, 2017 1:11 pm

It's mostly dead. I didn't see much money in it. On the other hand my development tools for Android are much better these days so it might come back. I could never debug the actual download code before but it looks like I can now.

So not never but not soon.
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