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Customize download directory per group/artist...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 8:02 pm
by crosgrove
I just migrated to a new machine (well, newer machine) and can't find the switch to tell Newsbin when downloading to drop files into their own custom-generated sub-directories. In short, everything is just going into Downloads Usenet and cluttering it up.

I know, because I've run into this before, that the fix is simple, but I can't find my old message asking about it.

As always, thanks in advance!

Re: Customize download directory per group/artist...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 8:29 pm
by Quade
You do it with variables like "$(SUBJECT)" to add the subject to the path. If you look in the "Change" window next to the download path. You can see a list of variables you can use. If you tend to unrar stuff, you can set variable in the unrar path too or both. Normally I set the download path to a common folder then the unrar path to something "per download" like "$(NZBFILE)" or "$(SEARCH)" for search and NZB Files.

"X:\$(NZBFILE\" would get expanded to "X:\NZB Filename clean up\" for example.

Re: Customize download directory per group/artist...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 4:45 am
by crosgrove

As always, TY!

PS $(Subject) rocks!