This is new with RC6: an "error" line in the Downloading Files queue.
I have not been able to consistently reproduce this behaviour (which makes me think this is possibly some sort of wicked async bug) but the general approach is this:
- have a bunch of NZB files ready in your watched folder
- let NewsBin discover and load them into the DF queue.
- now select bundles of those and move them around, moving them to your wish list, and back from there into the download queue.
- I've also (very rarely) seen it happen when selecting a block of download entries and moving them up the queue (changing download order)
The way to get rid of the "error" line is to restart NewsBin - /BUT/ this hasn't helped under all circumstances: it happened ONCE where I had 2 "error" lines in the queue and a restart would not remove them. They "disappeared" for the queue as the downloads commenced.