Low Drive Space Warning - Pause

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Low Drive Space Warning - Pause

Postby insolution » Fri May 25, 2018 10:36 am

It seems like to would be easy to implement a low drive space warning/pause instead of the current "process regardless" function.

I use an SSD for my downloads drive and if it runs out of space, Newsbin continues to process the pending downloads but these are recorded to disk as zero-byte files. Posts are marked as old/downloaded.

It's laborious to figure out what got screwed up and re-queue the failed posts.

Is these some limitation in the file system that prevents Newsbin from reading the available drive space and stopping when it drops below the pending (current) download on a per-file basis? Even a "Pending Download List Exceeds Available Space" warning would be great.

It's a small point, but it's bitten me a couple of times when I have queued a long list (of eBooks in my case) over a weekend and I am not there to monitor.

And yes, I'm aware of the "size of downloads" pending counter on the toolbar.

Thanks, Quade. I appreciate you always considering new, or improved, functionality.

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Re: Low Drive Space Warning - Pause

Postby Quade » Fri May 25, 2018 10:50 am

What version are you using?


X is in megs The default is 1 gig in 6.80. It'll pop up and pause the download when the download or data folder falls below this threshold.

Limitation in 6.80 is that if your connection speed is really high so, the download gets ahead of file assembly, the assembly can continue even after the download pauses because the file assembly is already in process.

That said, I've implemented more free disk space stuff in 6.81 which might hit the forum today.

1 - File assembly now obeys "MinFreeSpace" too.
2 - UnRAR Obeys MinFreeSpace and you have to have at least 2 times the RAR set size free space (whichever is larger.
3 - Changes to the FileIO routines will stall and log if the write fails.

I assumed people would make sure they had enough space before I started download and it turns out this is a poor assumption. I have one user who runs out of space multiple times in a single day.
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Re: Low Drive Space Warning - Pause

Postby insolution » Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:08 pm

I am using 6.81B2 [5065] [i]very stable BTW[/i]

I looked in the .nbi config file for "MinFreeSpace" and don't see that listed. I am using my old config file from 6.80...is that an issue? Can I add the setting manually?

he reason for using the older config file is that I have resorted to backing up and then manually restoring the config.nbi file at each upgrade since your installation routine wipes out my config and filters files every #@&% time I upgrade. I complained/reported this behavior before. It seems to be because my data folder is not in the default location (I have it on my "newsbin" SSD drive. That seems like a glitch.

I haven't run out of free space since my original post but I'd love to know the value is set so it doesn't happen again. It was a real PIA.

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Re: Low Drive Space Warning - Pause

Postby Quade » Tue Jun 26, 2018 10:52 pm

Sure you can just add it.

6.81 is much more aggressive about keeping free disk space. You may find you don't have to use a really large "MinFreeSpace" because even the unrar will pause now if the disk drops below the free space setting.
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