Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

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Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby dexter » Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:54 pm

No significant changes since Beta 4. Only change is to the formatting of some error messages.

The full change history and the download link is on the Newsbin Beta Page.

If you find any issues, please reply to this thread or use our Technical Support Contact Form.
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby EvanVanVan2 » Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:55 pm

Quade wrote:The disk space stuff is "how it work". If you drop below free disk space threshold everything stops. I don't know what else is using disk space at the same time so this is the safest way to handle it. The free space popup is probably going to go away completely. It's just too late to do it in 6.81 which is just about to be released. It's not pre-allocating the whole unrar and it's not preventing the unrar from starting if you don't have enough free space. That all went away. It's been replaced with "if you run low on space everything stops".

I'm going to quote this reply since it behaves the same in this release...

At least in Windows 7 it does pre-allocate the unrar by default, started doing it after you made those "everything stops" changes in B4. It may have been an unintended change but as soon as the unrar starts, the extracted file in the temp folder is full size and the available disk space on the local drive drops to accommodate the entire final file. At that point, even when Newsbin stops everything due to low disk space, the unrar could still finish successfully.
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Wed Aug 29, 2018 12:19 pm

Long name handling isn't fixed, at least for naming directories after the NZB filename.
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby Quade » Wed Aug 29, 2018 1:41 pm

It's not really a long filename issue. I purposely restrict the NZB filename length. I've more than doubled it now. It'll be in the final release of 6.81.

How are you planning on accessing these long filenames? Most windows versions have problems accessing really deep paths.
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Wed Aug 29, 2018 4:55 pm

How are you planning on accessing these long filenames? Most windows versions have problems accessing really deep paths.

I keep the paths short on my Windows system. C:\Newsbin\Download\ and unpack them to C:\Unsorted\ and then sort them to my Linux NAS. I'm not sure what the absolute file name length on that is, but the paths haven't been a problem so far, e.g. \\NETGEAR\\Videos\TV\Series\"Name of Series"\Season 01\"File Name".

Double should be long enough. As I said, the NZB names are provided by the NZB Indexer and are based on Scene specs. Some of the elements are redundant, but if the episode name is included, the group may be eliminated and that is important for me to know. Sometimes even the resolution and file type are truncated, but that can be figured out.

EDIT: This is an exceptionally long one, but an example of how long filenames can get
Hard Knocks 2001 S13E04 Training Camp with the Cleveland Browns Week 4 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP2 0 H 264-monkee
Right now it would be truncated to
Hard Knocks 2001 S13E04 Training Camp with the Cleveland Browns Week 4 1080p AMZ
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby qelijahq » Fri Aug 31, 2018 2:48 pm

Is there ever going to be a time we can deal with how the stupid low disk space popup is handled...I'm so incredibly tired of fighting that damned window every single time I get low on space. It pops up and the only option is "OK"....Of course if you click on that, it just pops right back up and makes it so there's absolutely no way to get to the actual newsbin window and close it. If I need to get back to the newsbin window to do a search or just to close it in a way that it will save my download queue, I have to stop everything I'm doing and start going through files on the drive to delete things. Can't it just be paused and allow me to exit and save so I can deal with it later? Can't shut down my machine with it in that state so if I want to shut down to leave my house or something, no choices at all...Have to start deleting files to make Newsbin happy. On top of that...Once I finally do manage to delete enough to get rid of the popup window, Newsbin will finally be visible once again, but there's always at least a 10-15 minute period where the Newsbin window is unresponsive. So...If I'm in a hurry to leave but don't want to lose my download queue, I get to spend at least 20 minutes dealing with this garbage before I can do anything. I saw something in the last release about handling low disk space better, but nothing has changed at all. Please stop that stupid low disk space popup from auto -spamming my screen. Oh...and one more thing that's ridiculous. If I have a bunch of downloads queued up and need to delete space, the popup window prevents me from pausing the program so as I'm deleting files in order to try to get bacl to newsbin(which is still unresponsive even after the popup window goes away because now the error popup is in the way and won't allow me to click on hide until restart because both it and the newsbin are unresponsive) files are continuing to assemble and download in the background so I have to just keep deleting and deleting and deleting until Newsbin finally decides to stop on it's own. An endless loop pf frustration and doesn't seem like it'd be too difficult to make it so the program stays paused until you unpause it once it reaches the disk space threshold and make it so the low disk space window has a checkbox I can click on to make it not popup over and over like a bad porn site popup. I always wonder if you guys maybe hired a russian porn site programmer to help with that.
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby Quade » Fri Aug 31, 2018 7:47 pm

You could stop running out of disk space....

I think the popup will probably completely go away in the next version. It'll simply stop writing to disk when you run out of space. Even the unrar's will stall. The critical error pop up will pop up and it'll display warning in the logging tab. This is already how RC-1 works but the popup is still there too.

I'll be honest, I never expected running out of disk space to be a regular occurrence for most people. Who knew?
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby kirm » Fri Aug 31, 2018 8:40 pm

I'll be honest, I never expected running out of disk space to be a regular occurrence for most people. Who knew?

You got me on this one, especially with terabyte drives so cheap these days. Even back in my Dos days with whopping 40Meg drives, if I had 10Meg free, I would not try to dl 20, just saying.
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby Quade » Fri Aug 31, 2018 9:27 pm

Yeah, once I drop below 100 gigs, I start moving files.
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Fri Aug 31, 2018 10:02 pm

You got me on this one, especially with terabyte drives so cheap these days. Even back in my Dos days with whopping 40Meg drives, if I had 10Meg free, I would not try to dl 20, just saying.

I guessing neither of you guys ever took one serving too many at a smorgasbord or had to "make room" for dessert. Even Joey Chestnut runs out of room once in a while. Some of us get what we can while it's available, because tomorrow it may not be there. I have 1 TB queued up, but only have that space available right now.

While hard drives may be cheap, they aren't fast enough to download, unpack and move data at the same time. I had to switch to an SSD to be able to copy faster than I was downloading. SSD's aren't cheap. Not until I could afford a 1 TB one did I stop running out of space in a session. I had the same trials and tribulations as qelijahq. At least in V5 you had enough time to click pause before the message popped up again.

Just because you don't use Newsbin the way others do, doesn't mean you should pass judgement on them. If you had problems with something I didn't, say the remote control, I would say I don't understand why you even need remote control because with a 1 Gbps connection, you should never have the need to download remotely. So, you should have a 1 Gbps connection, it's only a few bucks a month more, then you'd able to download everything while sitting at the computer. I don't need remote control, but maybe you do, so I don't I won't make a summary judgment about how you use Newsbin.
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby Quade » Sat Sep 01, 2018 12:16 am

Just because you don't use Newsbin the way others do, doesn't mean you should pass judgement on them.

In 6.81, I've made significant changes to the free space handling for people who keep running out of disk space. You basically won't lose any data anymore no matter what (I hope).

I don't ask why people do things. I don't recommend bigger hard drives. I have no idea how people run their PC's. It's not my business. I built Newsbin with certain assumptions. Like the assumption people on high speed connections have enough disk space. Thus assumption has proven to be wrong thus the changes. When I was testing the free space stuff, I was unraring to a 32 gig USB stick. I ran out after ever couple sets of files. I can't imagine downloading that way. Again, I don't ask why.

Maybe you're feeling defensive. I don't think Kirm or I called anyone out. We both commented that it doesn't happen to us because we keep an eye on our disk space. Is that judgmental?

So, you should have a 1 Gbps connection, it's only a few bucks a month more, then you'd able to download everything while sitting at the computer. I don't need remote control, but maybe you do, so I don't I won't make a summary judgment about how you use Newsbin.

Ha now you're being a bit snobby. A 1 GBps connection for me would probably be $1000 US a month. I have 100 here. It's > $100 US a month. I'm glad it's a business expense...
Kidding about the snobby part. I'd love to have 1G.
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:41 pm

Ha now you're being a bit snobby.

It was a hypothetical discussion about what I thought you or krim would say if someone complained if the remote control wasn't working. I didn't say you or anyone should have a 1 Gbps connection to run Newsbin. For 7 years all I had was a 3 Mbps DSL connection, so it's nice to not have to run Newsbin continuously to download what I want.

EDIT: I should have said I wouldn't say, so I see why you thought I was being snobby. I definitely don't think you should be required to have a large hard drive or a fast connection.
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby qelijahq » Sun Sep 02, 2018 2:50 am

Does it really matter why people run out of disk space? I, for one, run out of disk space often because I run Sonarr and it's constantly grabbing new episodes that I stream via Plex. Sometimes I'm gone for weeks at a time for work and it all fills up. None of that matters, though...What matters is whether or not this issue that has plagued this software for a long time is ever going to be fixed. Let's focus on fixing a problem with the software rather than trying to point fingers at users that purchase the software.
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby Quade » Sun Sep 02, 2018 3:04 pm

It doesn't matter now because Newsbin will just stall.
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby kirm » Sun Sep 02, 2018 3:41 pm

It doesn't matter now because Newsbin will just stall

Hopefully this will help users on what has become a touchy topic.

In no way was I calling anyone out on this topic, as quite aware of everyone doing their own thing on computers, was just as I assume Quade was, whoever would have thought that this would be an issue for some in this day of large capacity drives.

I really appreciate the explanations given, that didn't need to, but has given me more insight. Thanks for posting the why. Always learning with computers, have been since the old Dos days, when it took us 15 minutes to download a floppy disk of 1.44 meg with those nasty screeching modems.
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby qelijahq » Tue Sep 11, 2018 5:42 am

Quade wrote:It doesn't matter now because Newsbin will just stall.

It does still matter. It stalls, but won't allow you to close the program to shut down the computer, restart or install Windows updates. You are absolutely forced to clear space while fighting against Newsbins constant need to keep unraring downloads that are stalled in it's queue...All in all, I generally have to figure out a way to move 100 gig or more before the blasted popup will finally go away to I have access to the Newsbin software thaat's hidden behind it. IF my download drive is different from the drive that newsbin uses to process rars, there could be anywhere from 30-200 gig in the unrar queue that MUST be processed before Newsbin will even become responsive...This is after the popup window FINALLY goes away and Newsbin's top bar is kind of blinking for the next 20-30 minutes. So if I need to shut my machine down or restart it and it's been stuck in this so called "stalled" mode all night long then it could easily take me an hour or more to get things sorted out with Newsbin just so I can shut my machine down. If this was something that took 5-15 minutes out of my day, I wouldn't care. Being forced to deal with Newsbin in the morning for an hour to two hours is a major pain. I suppose if when newsbin stalls because there's not enough space, it also stopped grabbing more and more in the background to queue in the unrar queue, it wouldn't be so bad.
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby kenr » Tue Sep 11, 2018 6:12 am

Seeing a lot of these type since updating:
[09/11 10:10:55] ERROR YEnc Reported and Actual Size don't match: <file>
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Re: Version 6.81 Release Candidate 1 Available...

Postby Quade » Tue Sep 11, 2018 11:00 am

Some of the posters are putting wrong values in some of the yEnc header fields. As long as the downloads work, I'd just ignore it.

At one point the size and CRC in the yenc headers was a good way to determine the quality of the download. Those days are over.
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