Pause button turns itself off

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Pause button turns itself off

Postby redive » Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:36 am

Apologies if this has already been discussed. I am running the latest beta on win10. My pause button only works briefly, then spontaneously resumes download. Guessing I am missing some configuration setting?

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Re: Pause button turns itself off

Postby itimpi » Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:51 am

That happens if you have the Newsbin scheduler set. You may have set it on accidentally by clicking on the wrong part of the Newsbin status area at the bottom of the Newsbin window.
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Re: Pause button turns itself off

Postby redive » Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:14 pm

And...Fixed!! Thank you.

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Re: Pause button turns itself off

Postby RayMark » Tue Dec 17, 2019 1:19 pm

It also happens if you pause NewsBin and forget about it, and go about your other business on the same hard drive, and the hard drive runs out of free space.
At this point, NewsBin, while being paused and sitting in the background, suddenly indicates that it ran out of space. It indicates it to itself, because it sits in the background not being used, you are doing other stuff and forgot all about NewsBin. It is paused anyway, isn't it?
But then you free up the drive. And in the background, while you do not suspect anything, NewsBin suddenly removes not only the out-of-space message, but also it removes the pause you had set. And then Newsbin begins downloading again, while you are very surprised where and why the hard disk free space is disappearing.
In other words, NewsBin acts like a nasty virus.
And nobody wants to fix this.
My apologies if it is finally fixed, but I think it is not. The creators of Newsbin do not think it is a bug.
You are supposed to close NewsBin altogether instead. But if you have several search tabs open, with important to you search results, or big groups loaded, you may not want to close NewsBin. You may want to pause it. Just pause it. And expect it to stay paused.
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Re: Pause button turns itself off

Postby Quade » Tue Dec 17, 2019 2:43 pm

It's not going to happen in 6.82 which is all but released but the popup and pausing is going away in a future version. It'll just stall when disk space fills up.
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Re: Pause button turns itself off

Postby RayMark » Wed Dec 18, 2019 12:11 am

Actually, pausing is very useful. It should be two levels of pausing, though. Or pause and stop.
Because sometimes pause is needed when decoding and unrarring to a slow drive is not able to keep up with downloading. Or I need to pause until I make more free space on the hard drive used by NewsBin.
And also, pausing helps with getting rid of "Display Update Pending" lines in the download list.
The "Display Update Pending" is a horror story in itself. Even after pausing, sometimes I have to wait several minutes to get them resolved. Without pausing - they stay for a very long time.
You really should do something about it.
But back to pausing - when NewsBin is paused, it stops downloading but still continues decoding / repairing / unrarring.
Sometimes I need to pause it altogether - for example, when I need cpu or hard drive speed for other things, not related to NewsBin.
So the current pause button is not enough. There should be also another, perhaps stop button - to pause every activity of NewsBin.
If instead there will be no pause at all - I guess, all the posts in the download list still could be paused individually in the download list. But it is not as convenient as a global pause button.
And again, I would like to have an even stronger pause or stop button - to stop all the activities of NewsBin, when the resources are needed for something else.
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Re: Pause button turns itself off

Postby Quade » Wed Dec 18, 2019 2:31 am

You can still pause but the free space checker will no longer mess with pausing. If it's mid-unrar, when you free space up, it'll automatically continue the unrar till the unrar completes. The only thing I'm trying to guarantee is that there's no corrupt files when you run out of disk space. That's my goal.

Considering you like to play with fire and have massive downloads but little free space, you might be better off disabling download during unrar so, your unrars don't backlog. I have hopes that 7zip will unrar faster than the RAR code but I haven't tested whether that's true or not yet.
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Re: Pause button turns itself off

Postby RayMark » Wed Dec 18, 2019 7:58 am

Yes, I have disabled download during unrar. Still, significant backlog occurs when downloading to an external usb drive. But then, there is always enough free space.
If I download to an internal sata drive, there is no significant backlog, but sometimes I ran out of free space.
A disadvantage - I need to move the downloaded files to an external usb drive anyway.
I guess, it would be faster to use less download threads to reduce the download speed, and thus, to reduce the backlog, and to download directly to an external usb drive after all.
Both the internal and external drives I use are 4 TB drives. I don't even consider downloading to a tiny solid state drive.

Another thing - a speed limiter. Not exactly a pause, but a semi-pause.
I get consistently download speeds over 500 Mbps. Sometimes over 600 Mbps, approaching 700 Mbps. For example, I just saw 673 Mbps. Never noticed over 700, but I am not looking at the speed indicator all the time. Maybe Newsbin is able to record and update the peak value?
Anyway, so I wish to have a speed limiter button - useful for managing backlogs. There is one, but it does not allow to set the limit at hundreds of megabits, unfortunately. For example, at 100 Mbps, 200 Mbps, 300 Mbps, 400 Mbps, 500 Mbps.
I guess, I can experiment with the number of threads, but it is not a one button solution, and experimenting is actually required. Besides, I am using 5 different servers simultaneously.
A speed limiter would be much more convenient. If there is a way to implement one for such a speed range.

And when I asked to implement another, more complete pause, a pause button or a stop button to stop all the activity, I did not mean to stop an unrar that already began.
And perhaps not to stop the repair that already began - if it is done by launching an external repair tool. Just not to begin any new repairs or unrars, or decodings from the Chunks.
I am speaking about the scenario where there is a backlog in the download list. A backlog of already downloaded posts. The current pause does not pause working on that backlog.
So two-level pause would be helpful:
Level 1 = pause (as it is currently) - to pause downloading only, useful for reducing the backlog.
Level 2 = stop - to pause everything (except the unrar (or perhaps the repair) that is already in progress) - not to reduce the backlog, but to stop using cpu and the hard drive - when they are needed for other time-critical things outside NewsBin.
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